Hello, and welcome to my portfolio site!
If you like what you see, let’s have a conversation.
My design career has been a long and winding road—starting when I drew endlessly with ball-point pens, on pads that my uncle George brought me from his office at the Wabash Railroad. I guess I liked the nice solid lines that those Bics laid down, versus the wishy-washy grays you get with a pencil!
My biggest influences? The psychedelic poster designers of the late 60s: Rick Griffin, Stanley Mouse and Alton Kelley. Then the more mainstream people who started doing some really interesting things with type and design: Milton Glaser, Paul Rand, Herb Lubalin. Later, Gerard Huerta, Stefan Sagmeister, and Paula Scher. All pointing the way to today’s crop of hand-letterers and Instagrammers. I stand on all of their shoulders.
Yes, all of the design details are important, but I believe everything we do comes down to relationships, and I try and hold that belief close whether I’m working with clients, other designers or vendors.
What do I do when I’m not designing? These days I’m mostly on my bicycle, or making something fun and/or useful in my garage.
Do I ride a motorcycle? Hell no, I just thought it made a cool photo. Please reach out if I can help with a project…
Download my resume here.